Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

Why did it have to rain today of all days? See it's not that I  just dislike rain (I love sunny days, but making out in rain is pretty awesome too!), but my beautiful talkative 9 yr old daughter was suppose to have her annual "Hoedown" at school this evening. She has been practicing and practicing, I mean I think the wooden floor has some dents in it from all her stomping.  With wooden floors it has also been extremely loud around here with all of her "practicing" and now her little 2 yr. old brother is stomping too. Added to all the noise is this hoedown is all she talks about as soon as she gets home from school and when she wakes up in the morning! I mean this poor girl has been so excited and couldn't even wait till today. We got the whole outfit ready last night and of course we had to do a fashion show and then the dance that we have seen so many times (finally we started telling her to let it be a surprise for us.....I know, I know that is selfish but come on. Wooden floors and non stop talking!!) Well she gets up this morning and it is looking overcast and she is looking worried. Well, it ended up getting cancelled and they will do it on Tues. But she was so sad about it, she was  even about to cry. I felt bad for thinking that OMG, we are going to have to go a few more days of this practice and hearing all about the hoedown! But such is life.


  1. Look at you GO! Tweeting AND blogging! Once it does finally happen, I'm sure it'll be a stomping good time!

  2. I know....we are going to be some badass moms!! Hahaha. It is pretty fun just for myself to think and write stupid stuff.
